How can I tell if the current request is for a backend or frontend page? This check will be done inside an observer, so I do have access to the request object if that helps.
I considered checking Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->getUser()
, but I don't think that's a very reliable method. I'm hoping for a better solution.
This is one of those areas where there's no good answer. Magento itself doesn't provide an explicit method/API for this information, so with any solution you'll need to examine the environment and infer things.
I was using
for a while, but it turns out there are certain admin pages (the Magento Connect Package manager) where this isn't true. For some reason this page explicitly sets the store id to be 1, which makes isAdmin
return as false.
#File: app/code/core/Mage/Connect/controllers/Adminhtml/Extension/CustomController.php
public function indexAction()
->_title($this->__('Magento Connect'))
->_title($this->__('Package Extensions'));
There may be other pages with this behavior,
Another good bet is to check the "area" property of the design package.
This seems less likely to be overridden for a page that's in the admin, since the area impacts the path to the admin areas design templates and layout XML files.
Regardless of what you choose to infer from the environment, create new Magento module, and add a helper class to it
class Namespace_Modulename_Helper_Isadmin extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract
public function isAdmin()
return true;
if(Mage::getDesign()->getArea() == 'adminhtml')
return true;
return false;
and then whenever you need to check if you're in the admin, use this helper
if( Mage::helper('modulename/isadmin')->isAdmin() )
//do the thing about the admin thing
This way, when/if you discover holes in your admin checking logic, you can correct everything in one centralized place.