I have a dictionary with a list of times I want to display in a template:
from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
time_filter = SortedDict({
0 : "Eternity",
15 : "15 Minutes",
30 : "30 Minutes",
45 : "45 Minutes",
60 : "1 Hour",
90 : "1.5 Hours",
120 : "2 Hours",
150 : "2.5 Hours",
180 : "3 Hours",
210 : "3.5 Hours",
240 : "4 Hours",
270 : "4.5 Hours",
300 : "5 Hours"
I want to create a drop down in the template:
<select id="time_filter">
{% for key, value in time_filter.items %}
<option value="{{ key }}">{{ value }}</option>
{% endfor %}
But the elements in the drop down aren't coming through in the order defined in the dictionary. What am I missing?
Look here.
You are doing the "That does not work" thing, i.e. giving an unsorted dictionary as the input to the sorted dictionary.
You want
(0, 'Eternity'),
(15, '15 minutes'),
# ...
(300, '300 minutes'),