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decode form-urlencoded to hash

The response I get to an LWP request is application/x-www-form-urlencoded is it possible convert the text of this to a hash via some object method?


  • # from a HTTP::Response object
    my $urlencoded = $response->content;
    1. Vars in CGI returns a hash.

      use CGI qw();
    2. parameters in Plack::Request returns a Hash::MultiValue object, which is actually the appropriate data structure for this.

      use Plack::Request qw();
      Plack::Request->new({QUERY_STRING => $urlencoded})->parameters;
    3. param in APR::Request/libapreq2 - not quite a Perl hash, but an XS object with attached Magic whose behaviour is close enough.

      insert hand-waving here, no libapreq2 available right now for testing
    4. url_params_mixed in URL::Encode

      require URL::Encode::XS;
      use URL::Encode qw(url_params_mixed);
      url_params_mixed $urlencoded;
    5. parse_query_string in CGI::Deurl::XS

      use CGI::Deurl::XS 'parse_query_string';
      parse_query_string $urlencoded;
    6. query_form in URI serves well, too, in a pinch; and so does query_form_hash in URI::QueryParam.

      use URI qw();
      use URI::QueryParam qw();
    7. Bonus: also see HTTP::Body::UrlEncoded, as used by Catalyst.