I have 3 pages, my webview takes me to page 1, in page 1 you can go to page 2 or 3, I'm trying to identify if you go to page 2 or 3 from page 1. I'm trying to perform an action type, Toast or Intent in my WebView by clicking on a link, but in method to make the Toast onLoadResource send me the error "The method Maketext (Context, CharSequence, int) in the type Toast is not applicable for the arguments (Class , String, int)" I can do about it to fix this?
public class WebViewTest extends Activity{
WebView site;
String webUrl;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
site = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.wvcurse);
site.setWebViewClient(new ViewClient());}}
my ViewClient.java class is;
public class ViewClient extends WebViewClient {
public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView v, String url){
super.shouldOverrideUrlLoading(v, url);
return true;
public void onLoadResource(WebView v, String url){
super.onLoadResource(v, url);
if( url.equals("http://www.wstest.comuf.com/test/page_two.html") ){
Toast t=Toast.makeText(WebViewTest.class,"passed", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
// Intent i = new Intent("com.mariposatraining.courses.lay_main");
//startActivity(i); here too i have the error "The method startActivity(Intent) is undefined for the type ViewClient"
if( url.equals("http://www.wstest.comuf.com/test/page_three.html") ){
Toast t=Toast.makeText(WebViewTest.class,"failed", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
How should I make toast or other activity work here? Really would appreciate your help.
The method signature of Toast.makeText
that you're trying to use is:
public static Toast makeText (Context context, CharSequence text, int duration)
is not a Context