I am trying rewrite a simple Rails application I made a while ago with cherrypy and Python3. So far I have been unable to find a Python replacement for ActiveRecord (the persistence part of the application). Most of the recommendations I've found on StackOverflow have been for SQL Alchemy. I looked into this and it seems much too complicated to get up and running. After reading its online docs and a book from Amazon, It's still not clear how to even proceed; not a good sign.
So my question is, what are developers using to persist data in their python3 web applications?
Also, I looked into Django but python3 is a requirement so that's out.
Good luck. At the Web Dev Summit at PyCon this past week, the room full of Python web framework authors was asked how many were deploying Python 3 web apps. Zero hands went up. You might want to revisit the Python 3 requirement and wait on it for a couple of years.
SQLAlchemy is a fine choice, however. You might also experiment with NoSQL solutions like Mongo (see http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pymongo3 for example).