I'm working on my homework for Prolog (SWI) but can't figure out how to get this done:
I have the functor:
palindrome([A|T]) :-
which tells if a given list is a palindrome.
For my homework I have to write a functor palindrome/2
without append/3
and with difference lists.
I know a difference list is a form of [Y|X]-X
, but I don't understand how to use this and how this can replace the append functor.
Can somebody please explain this to me?
For a given list of length n, your solution needs some O(n2) inferences: n (actually n/2) for palindrome
/1 and i for each append/3
which simply searches and compares the end.
The most straight forward way to reformulate your definition uses grammars (DCGs) that are a convenient way to use difference-lists. Note that each grammar rule corresponds to a clause in your program.
palindrome -->
palindrome -->
palindrome -->
palindrome(T) :-
For convenience, here is the same grammar written more compactly:
palindrome --> [] | [_] | [A], palindrome, [A].
Now, how are these grammar rules implemented? The easiest way is to look at the actual definition with listing(palindrome)
?- listing(palindrome).
palindrome(A, A).
palindrome([_|A], A).
palindrome([C|A], D) :-
palindrome(A, B),
So this is now your definition using difference-lists.