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TabPage Click Events

I'm trying to automatically trigger events based on the tab page that is clicked on the tab control.

In design mode of my form, when I click on the tabs the properties box says Tabs System.Windows.Forms.TabControl whichever tab is selected. However, I have to click on the actual page, not the tab for the property to change to the name of the pages e.g. TaskListPage System.Windows.Forms.TabPage.

My tabcontrol is called Tabs and I was trying to test it out using the code below which is supposed to display a message based on the tab option.

 private void Tabs_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

            if (Tabs.SelectedTab == TaskListPage)
                MessageBox.Show("TASK LIST PAGE");
            else if (Tabs.SelectedTab == SchedulePage)
                MessageBox.Show("SCHEDULE PAGE");

When I test the code above, nothing is happening.

Any help in getting the events working when a specific tab is clicked would be greatly appreciated!



  • It sounds like you don't have it wired up:

    public Form1() {
      Tabs.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(Tabs_SelectedIndexChanged);

    There are other events that can give you this information as well: Selected and Selecting.

    void Tabs_Selected(object sender, TabControlEventArgs e) {
      if (e.TabPage == TaskListPage) {
        // etc