What I have:
shoes 7.3 belts 3.1
coats 6.5 glasses 2
trous 4.5 badges 0.5
hats 3.7 socks -1.2
scarves 7.1 belts 3.1
coats 6.5 glasses 2
pants 4 gloves 0.5
beads 1.2 socks -1.2
shoes 8.6 belts 3.1
coats 6.5 glasses 2
trous 4.5 gloves 0.5
hats 3.2 socks -1.2
What I want:
shoes 7.3 belts 3.1 scarves 7.1 belts 3.1
coats 6.5 glasses 2 coats 6.5 glasses 2 <another 2 cities here>
trous 4.5 badges 0.5 pants 4 gloves 0.5
hats 3.7 socks -1.2 beads 1.2 socks -1.2
scarves 7.1 belts 3.1 scarves 7.1 belts 3.1
coats 6.5 glasses 2 coats 6.5 glasses 2 <another 2 cities here
pants 4 gloves 0.5 boots 5 gloves 0.5
beads 1.2 socks -1.2 beads 4 socks -1.2
ETC \/\/\/
I think this falls under 'horizontal tables', but not sure
How can I do this in 2008 i.e. get it to 'wrap' the data to the next 'row' of the report when it has written out 4 cities worth of data? Query is MDX based
The data is currently ranked within a city, so I'm using a rank 'greater than' x to split the data into 2
First you need to make sure that the cities have a ranking next to them
Then create N tablixes inside one parent/container (N = number of columns you want)
Then you filter the child tablix based on 'Mod N'