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xcode 4.3.1 - Share archive option not visible

I am trying to put my build up for testing on TestFlightApp. In my previous version of xcode, I was able to view the "share" option after archiving, which I used to create the ipa file. The ipa file was uploaded to testflight and everything worked as expected. With the upgrade to xcode 4.3.1, I don't see the share option. I tried using the distribute option and created the ipa. Then when I tried uploading the ipa to testflight, got the following error.

'Invalid IPA: values for key are mismatched between profile and binary'

can someone help.


  • Here is how I fixed it. is specifically for iCloud. See iOS Developer Library. So I used the following procedure:

    1. Verify App ID in iOS provisioning Portal iCloud status (mine is enabled)
    2. Removed old entitlements from project (I had manually created them)
    3. Use the Target editor to enable the entitlements (at the bottom of the Target editor window), matching the App ID iCloud setting, added Container and Keychain Access.
    4. Clean and Archive
    5. Select the archive and click on Distribute...
    6. Save for Enterprise or Ad-Hoc Deployment
    7. Select your development code signing identity
    8. Save the bundle to disk - did not check for enterprise
    9. Drag ipa to builds

    At this point, TestFlight accepted the bundle and my testers were able to download!