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install_github returning error: zip file can't be opened

when I run the following:


I get the following error:

with devtools 0.51:

Installing roxygen2 from hadley
Error in unzip(src, list = TRUE) : 
  zip file '/tmp/Rtmp2b44Ug/' cannot be opened

I installed a more recent version (0.6) of devtools: install_github('devtools')

and the error is more informative, but similar:

> install_github('roxygen')
Installing github repo(s) roxygen/master from hadley
Installing from
Error in expand(src, list = TRUE) : 
  zip file '/tmp/Rtmp2b44Ug/' cannot be opened
In addition: Warning message:
In expand(src, exdir = tempdir()) : error 1 in extracting from zip file

Am I doing something wrong?

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)


  • This error occurs because the function install_github sets username='hadley' by default (see install-github.r source)

    In this case, there is no github branch hadley/roxygen, and now download from

    This will work:

    install_github('roxygen',username = 'klutometis')

    note: even though the package is called roxygen2, the "repo" name is "roxygen"

    I opened a bug in devtools