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Collaborative Software Platform

I am looking for what I could describe best as a collaborative software platform for our group (30+). We are currently using just a few svn repositories and it has grown unmanageable.

Our requirements are:

  • install-able on our own servers
  • revision control (should include svn not to scare the non tech people away)
  • issue tracking (bugs, tasks, etc.)
  • managing projects (users would be also nice)
  • mixed FOSS & closed source projects

From my research I found the following:

Launchpad (itself)

  • pro: about everything
  • con: no svn


  • pro: similar to SourceForge, has about all features
  • con: not sure how actively developed, should be quite cumbersome to manage FusionForge

Gitorious (itself)

  • pro: also about everything on our list
  • con: only git, not sure about Ruby's security, intended only for FOSS

My biggest headache is that this platform should scale well also for not technically gifted developers while still keeping a minimum level of code quality.

Experiences with the 3 above or similar would be very appreciated.

Thank you


  • A couple that might fit your needs are:

    They are both has software project management features like:

    • Integrated defect tracking
    • Integrated wiki
    • Forum
    • Integration with wide range of version control software, including SVN
    • Flexible user authentication, mostly it relies on the web servers's authentication mechanism.

    They are both open source and free. Redmine is developed using Ruby on Rails while Trac is using python.