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IValidatableObject only in some actions

I have a model that implement IValidatlableObject, and so custom error checking through Validate method.

When I create an object all is fine, but when I try to edit that object, I wan't to do that custom validation.

How can I know from wich action I'm calling the Validate method in order to no do the validation?

UPDATED: This is mi model:

public class Ingredient : IValidatableObject
    public int Id { get; set; }

    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Required!!")]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public virtual List<Product> Products { get; set; }

    public Ingredient()
        Products = new List<Product>();

public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
        using (var uow = new UnitOfWork())
            var ingredient = uow.IngredientRepository.Get(i => i.Name ==Name).FirstOrDefault();

            if (ingredient != null)
                yield return new ValidationResult("Duplicate!!!.", new[] { "Name" });



So When I create an Ingredient I want to validate ALL (Attributes + IValidatable) but when I edit an Ingrendient I only want to validate attributes (so I mean skip IValidatable) Any method to know, inside the IValidatable method, from where I'm calling Validate ?



  • Check primary key of model - whether it is not null :)