From debugger in my string of arrays I am getting this:
"/mercedes-benz/190-class/1993/" class="canonicalLink" data-qstring="?sub=sedan">1993
I wish to split text after each '/'
and get it in string[]
, here is my effort:
Queue<string> see = new Queue<string>(); //char[] a = {'\n '};
List<car_facts> car_fact_list = new List<car_facts>();
string[] car_detail;
foreach (string s in car)
MatchCollection match = Regex.Matches(s, @"<a href=(.+?)</a>",
// Here we check the Match instance.
foreach(Match mm in match)
// Finally, we get the Group value and display it.
string key = mm.Groups[1].Value;
// @HERE: I tried with string.Split as well and tried many combinations of separators
car_detail = Regex.Split(key, "//");
In car_detail[0]
I get this "$[link]">$[title]
from this string:
"/mercedes-benz/190-class/1993/" class="canonicalLink" data-qstring="?sub=sedan">1993
It's not clear why you're using a double slash here...
string[] details = key.Split('/');
should work fine. (Note that forward-slashes don't have to be escaped in C#.) For example:
using System;
class Test
static void Main()
string text = "/mercedes-benz/190-class/1993/";
string[] bits = text.Split('/');
foreach (string bit in bits)
Console.WriteLine("'{0}'", bit);
The empty strings are due to the leading and trailing slashes. If you want to avoid those, you can use
string[] details = key.Split(new[] {'/'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
is a highly unconventional name in C#. Normally you'd have something like CarFacts
(or potentially just Car
, CarInfo
etc). Likewise car_fact_list
would normally be carFactList
or something similar.
This code doesn't do what you expect it to:
Strings are immutable in .NET - so Trim()
returns a reference to a new string rather than changing the contents of the existing one. You may want:
key = key.Trim();
You're currently assigning a value to car_detail
but never using it. Why?
Parsing HTML using regular expressions is a really bad idea in general. Consider using HTML Agility Pack or something similar.