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What are the different ways to replace a cursor?

I'd like to know your experience(s) with replacing SQL Server cursors in existing code, or how you took a problem that a procedural guy would use a cursor to solve, and did it set-based.

What was the problem the cursor was used to solve? How did you replace the cursor?


  • try to never loop, work on sets of data.

    you can insert, update, delete multiple rows at one time. here in an example insert of multiple rows:

    INSERT INTO YourTable
            (col1, col2, col3, col4)
            cola, colb+Colz, colc, @X
            FROM ....
                LEFT OUTER JOIN ...

    When looking at a loop see what it done inside it. If it is just inserts/deletes/updates, re-write to use single commands. If there are IFs, see if those can be CASE statements or WHERE conditions on inserts/deletes/updates. If so, remove the loop and use set commands.

    I've taken loops and replaced them with the set based commands and reduced the execution time from minutes to a few seconds. I have taken procedures with many nested loops and procedure calls and kept the loops (was impossible to only use inserts/deletes/updates), but I removed the cursor, and have seen less locking/blocking and massive performance boosts as well. Here are two looping methods that are better than cursor loops...

    if you have to loop, over a set do something like this:

    --this looks up each row for every iteration
    DECLARE @msg VARCHAR(250)
    DECLARE @hostname sysname
    --first select of currsor free loop
    SELECT @hostname= min(RTRIM(hostname))
        FROM  master.dbo.sysprocesses (NOLOCK)
        WHERE  hostname <> ''
    WHILE @hostname is not null
        set @msg='exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell "net send ' 
            + RTRIM(@hostname) + ' '
            + 'testing  "'
        print @msg
        --EXEC (@msg)
        --next select of cursor free loop
        SELECT @hostname= min(RTRIM(hostname))
            FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses (NOLOCK)
            WHERE  hostname <> ''
            and hostname > @hostname

    if you have a reasonable set of items (not 100,000) to loop over you can do this:

    --this will capture each Key to loop over
    DECLARE @msg VARCHAR(250)
    DECLARE @From   int
    DECLARE @To     int
         RowID     int not null primary key identity(1,1)
        ,hostname  varchar(100)
    SELECT DISTINCT hostname
        FROM  master.dbo.sysprocesses (NOLOCK)
        WHERE  hostname <> ''
    SELECT @From=0,@To=@@ROWCOUNT
    WHILE @From<@To
        SET @From=@From+1
        SELECT @msg='exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell "net send ' 
            + RTRIM(hostname) + ' '
            + 'testing  "'
            FROM #Rows WHERE RowID=@From
        print @msg
        --EXEC (@msg)