I have a big string of formatted data (e.g. JSON) that I want to dump to YAML using Psych in ruby while preserving formatting.
Basically, I want for JSON to appear in YAML using literal style:
json: |
"page": 1,
"results": [
"item", "another"
"total_pages": 0
However, when I use YAML.dump
it doesn't use literal style. I get something like this:
json: ! "{\n \"page\": 1,\n \"results\": [\n \"item\", \"another\"\n ],\n \"total_pages\":
How can I tell Psych to dump scalars in wanted style?
Big thanks to Aaron Patterson for his solution that I'm expanding on here: https://gist.github.com/2023978
Although a bit verbose, that gist is a working way of tagging certain strings in ruby to be output using literal style in YAML.
require 'psych'
# Construct an AST
visitor = Psych::Visitors::YAMLTree.new({})
visitor << DATA.read
ast = visitor.tree
# Find all scalars and modify their formatting
ast.grep(Psych::Nodes::Scalar).each do |node|
node.plain = false
node.quoted = true
node.style = Psych::Nodes::Scalar::LITERAL
# Call the `yaml` method on the ast to convert to yaml
puts ast.yaml
# The `yaml` method was introduced in later versions, so fall back to
# constructing a visitor
Psych::Visitors::Emitter.new($stdout).accept ast
"page": 1,
"results": [
"item", "another"
"total_pages": 0