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Codegolf: Convert csv to HTML table with smallest amount of code in C#

I'm adding a function to my own personal toolkit lib to do simple CSV to HTML table conversion.

I would like the smallest possible piece of code to do this in C#, and it needs to be able to handle CSV files in excess of ~500mb.

So far my two contenders are

  • splitting csv into arrays by delimiters and building HTML output

  • search-replace delimiters with table th tr td tags

Assume that the file/read/disk operations are already handled... i.e., i'm passing a string containing the contents of said CSV into this function. The output will consist of straight up simple HTML style-free markup, and yes the data may have stray commas and breaks therein.

update: some folks asked. 100% of the CSV i deal with comes straight out of excel if that helps.

Example string:



  • Read All Lines into Memory

        var lines =File.ReadAllLines(args[0]);
        using (var outfs = File.AppendText(args[1]))
            foreach (var line in lines)
                outfs.Write("<tr><td>" + string.Join("</td><td>", line.Split(',')) + "</td></tr>");

    or Read one line at a time

        using (var inFs = File.OpenText(args[0]))
        using (var outfs = File.AppendText(args[1]))
            while (!inFs.EndOfStream )
                outfs.Write("<tr><td>" + string.Join("</td><td>", inFs.ReadLine().Split(',')) + "</td></tr>");

    ... @Jimmy ... I created an extended version using LINQ. Here is the highlight ... (lazy eval for line reading)

        using (var lp = args[0].Load())
            lp.Select(l => "<tr><td>" + string.Join("</td><td>", l.Split(',')) + "</td></tr>")
            .Write("<html><body><table>", "</table></body></html>", args[1]);