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Python Samba: user credentials not passed (cli_init_creds)?

I am currently having a problem accessing Windows print shares (at work, so I don't reall have access to their settings) in Ubuntu, so I eventually got down to poking around the source of Gnome's 'system-config-printer' which is written in Python, and uses the Python smbc bindings for Samba.


I have basically managed to get down my problem to this piece of code, which comes from /usr/share/system-config-printer/, and which I run in the python command line shell:

import smbc, os 
def do_auth (svr, shr, wg, un, pw):

ctx = smbc.Context (debug=10, auth_fn=do_auth)
f = ("smb://%s/%s" % ("", "PRINTSHARENAME"), os.O_RDWR, 0777)


The first (sort of) a problem is that upon the execution of the ctx = smbc.Context... line, Python always complains:

params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "/home/MYUSERNAME/.smb/smb.conf":
    No such file or directory

... but maybe that is not really a problem? (maybe smbc is supposed to recreate this file anew?).


The big problem is, of course, that I cannot connect to the share: after executing the f = line, there is a big dump of Samba communication, Windows server seems to be talking etc - and the connection effort finishes with failure:

SPNEGO login failed: Logon failure
cli_init_creds: user  domain
 session setup ok
map_errno_from_nt_status: 32 bit codes: code=c0000022
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
smbc.PermissionError: (13, 'Permission denied')

Basically, I know too little about Samba to be able to read the rest of the error log, but I find the line:

cli_init_creds: user  domain

... very suspicious - it looks as if the 'user' there is an empty string - even though I'd expect it to be 'MYWORKUSERNAME', as specified by the 'do_auth' function above!!

Note that this failure is somewhat similar to the NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE that I used to get with the cmdline smbclient (see Obtaining Windows printer share SMB settings (for tsclient/rdesktop on Linux) - Super User), which was solved by explicity specifying a Windows workgroup on the command line - however, I cannot tell if that is also the problem here in the Python case; or if instead, the username is not passed here (or something completely third). EDIT: this working command line (which lists shares) is (in respect to this example):

smbclient -L \\ -U MYWORKUSERNAME -W


Thanks in advance for any suggestions,


  • Ok, well, I think I finally got it, thanks to comments in Bug #848065 “system-config-printer cannot authenticate Windows Samba printer, while smbclient can (cli_init_creds)” - and reviewing (from system-config-printer)...

    But first of all, a little overview:

    • My local username on my Ubuntu machine: MYUSERNAME
    • Main address (domain) of the work network:
    • My account name on the work network: MYWORKUSERNAME
    • My work account is a member of workgroup MYWORKGROUP, which also has a subdomain
    • The print server on the work network is at
    • The printer name (share) on the print server at work I want to access is PRINTSHARENAME


    Well, it turns out that a single line in the script above is wrong - instead of:


    ... one should have had:


    ... (with MYWORKGROUP in allcaps, as typical for Windows)


    Interestingly, using the workgroup subdomain does not work:


    ... as it will also fail with 'smbc.PermissionError: (13, 'Permission denied')' (just like the original post example).


    One way to troubleshoot the "permission denied" error is to check the log - it shows something like this:

        DomainNameLen            : 0x000c (12)
        DomainNameMaxLen         : 0x000c (12)
        DomainName               : *
            DomainName               : ''
        UserNameLen              : 0x0004 (4)
        UserNameMaxLen           : 0x0004 (4)
        UserName                 : *
            UserName                 : 'MYWORKUSERNAME'
        WorkstationLen           : 0x0012 (18)
        WorkstationMaxLen        : 0x0012 (18)
        Workstation              : *
            Workstation              : 'MYPC'

    ... apparently, the DomainName should be:

            DomainName               : 'MYWORKGROUP'


    For reference, here is a snippet of the log from the "working" setup (with return ("MYWORKGROUP" ...):

    cli_init_creds: user MYWORKUSERNAME domain MYWORKGROUP
     session setup ok
     tconx ok
    Could not retrieve case sensitivity flag: NT_STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST.
    Server connect ok: // 0xa297768
    Performing aggressive shutdown.
    smbc_remove_usused_server: 0xa297768 removed.
    Context 0xa276658 successfully freed