I am using custom InfoPath task form in my project. All works fine, but I can't add new one. When I add it and click on task associated with it I get error: "The specified form cannot be found". After it I tryed using first working task form, save it with another name, change it FormURN to new, add it to my Forms module, but it doesn't work too. When after it I saved it with the first used name and changed FormURN back it works fine again. I can't understand why it happens. May be I have to clear cache or something else? Yesterday I encountered with similar problem, for which I found work-around, but now I haven't any ideas.
When it doesn't work:
<File Path="Forms\ApprovalFormNew.xsn" Url="Forms/ApprovalFormNew.xsn" />
<ProjectItemFile Source="ApprovalFormNew.xsn" Target="Forms\" Type="ElementFile" />
When it works in shown above places there are ApprovalForm instead of ApprovalFormNew.
<Property Key="RegisterForms" Value="Forms\*.xsn"/>
Is there a way to see more detail information about this error? There is no details about it in logs.
What I've tryed: IISReset, clear IE cache, reboot.
Any help is very appreciated.
PS: Sorry for my writing, English is not my native language.
PPS: Also I can't use default (not InfoPath view) for Tasks when I don't change default TaskType. Is it normal and I have to use either default view or InfoPath views, but not both?
I've solved it, problem was not in caching. When I changed name of my form and republished it, I've missed to clear public URL in InfoPath Publishing Wizard. I've cleared it, and now it works fine.