I need to use the asp control "ImageButton" in order to have access to the properties "OnClick" and "OnClientClick"
The problem is i cannot give any ImageURL since my Image is in Database.
I used this previously :
<telerik:RadBinaryImage runat="server" ID="RadBinaryImage1" DataValue='<%#Eval("Image") %>'
AutoAdjustImageControlSize="false" Width="90px" Height="110px" Enabled="true" AlternateText="pas d'image"/>
But i don't have any Datavalue property in ImageButton control...
How can i manage to do this using ImageButton? thanks in advance
You can use a Generic Handler file and call that as your ImageUrl like:
<asp:ImageButton ImageUrl='<%# String.Format("Image.ashx?id={0}", eval("ID")) %>' />
Read more on how to do this here:
The fact its an ImageButton
makes no difference. It's the fact you want to render an image from image data type. I believe generating the image on the fly using a Generic Handler file is the most common way.