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how to extract partail value of elements and display them in bold/italic/list while converting an xml to html output in xslt

I am working on XML transformations.I have to exctrat velue of an element and display them in bold/italic/list. Source:

ABCD<strong   xmlns="">:<dynamicVariable  name='BOLD'></dynamicVariable></strong>

1.Output required1(bold):

     ABCD **BOLD**

2.Output required1(list):




3.Output required1(underline):

     ABCD BOLD(underlined)

I am completely new to it. I am not getting any ideas to work on. Please help. Thank you in advance.


  • Somewhat guessing about what it is you need to do, but:

    • On your xsl:stylesheet element, declare a namespace prefix for xhtml, such as "xhtml".

    • Create a template that matches "content/bodyParagraphText".

    • Use XPath expression "text()[1]" to get the 'ABCD' text, apparently. Put this in a variable, such as abcd.

    • Use XPath expression ".//xhtml:dynamicVariable/@name" to get 'BOLD'. Put this in a variable, such as dv.

    • To specify your output, use something like


      <xsl:value-of select="$abcd" /> **<xsl:value-of select="$dv" />**

    for the first output format required.

    If I have misunderstood your question, please clarify...