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Output Botan Encryption results to a QDomDocument and vice-versa

I'm using the Botan library for encryption within Qt. I have it working to where I can encrypt and decrypt from one file to another, but I'm trying to alter it to encrypt from a file to a QDomDocument (encrypted file will just be an XML file), and decrypt back from a QDomDocument to a file.

This is what I have so far for the actual encryption (filePlainText/fileEnc are just txt file paths).

std::ifstream in(filePlainText.c_str(),std::ios::binary);
std::ofstream out(fileEnc.c_str(),std::ios::binary);
Pipe pipe(get_cipher("AES-256/CBC",key,iv,ENCRYPTION),new DataSink_Stream(out));
in >> pipe;

DataSink_Stream accepts a ofsteam or ostream. So I figure I need to use an ostream when decrypting from file to variable. But how can I store the contents of the ostream into something I can feed into a QDomDocument?

Then for encrypting back into a file, use an istream into an ofstream, but how can I take feed the QDomDocument content into an istream?


  • QDomDocument can be read from and written to a QByteArray and you can read from / write to a std::string with std::ostringstream / std::istringstream.

    So if you combine these, you would have something like:

    // before the encoding
    const QByteArray & buffer = document.toByteArray(-1);
    std::istringstream in(std::string(, buffer.size()));
    ... // encoding

    And for the decoding part:

    // before the decoding
    std::ostringstream out;
    ... // decoding
    // after the decoding
    const std::string & buffer = out.str();
    document.setContent(QByteArray(buffer.c_str(), buffer.size()));