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how to implement JSNI in GWT

I have experience in GWT but know nothing about JSNI or Javascript . i am searching for few days for JSNI now but i am not able to understand how to implement JSNI in my GWT project.

where and how i will add a javascript file in my GWT project, where i will write my javascript?

and then i want to call a javascript method from java/GWT

Here is a simple example of how to code a JSNI method that puts up a JavaScript alert dialog:

          public static native void alert(String msg) /*-{

but where will i add this code in my GWT project

i hvae just created a new project "HelloJSNI" and in my class , i added this code , am i doing write ?

      public void onModuleLoad() {
        alert("call from java to Javascript");

    public void testJSNI(int amt, float interestRate,
            int term){
        Window.alert("call from javascript to java");
    public static native void alert(String msg) /*-{
//    $wnd.alert(msg);


will i be able to see "hello JSNI "? Thanks


  • The first and best place to learn about JSNI is this article.

    If you have any more specific questions after reading that article, please ask here on SO.