I have a problem with the cartesian charts in the Adobe Flex SDK 4.5 and 4.5.1. Perhaps it's a bug, because it's not in the SDK 4.0, 4.1 and 4.6. Or it's just a problem of my code.
I made a little example project to range over series data in a CartesianChart (Line/Area/Column/Bar), a little bit like the google finance chart. When I add all series to the chart, the problem didn't occur. Only when I have multiple series and remove one or more series and than range over the data, the series data get compressed:
It seems like the horizontal axis didn't change or didn't get an update that the chart data changed, when I range over the current data.
Here is the main code of my project, where I add series to the line chart, remove a series and range over all chartseries.
public function addChartSeries(name:String, dataProvider:Array):void
var lineSeries:LineSeries = new LineSeries();
lineSeries.xField = "date";
lineSeries.yField = "value";
lineSeries.displayName = name;
lineSeries.dataProvider = dataProvider;
var mySeries:Array = new Array();
mySeries = lineChart.series;
lineChart.series = mySeries;
public function removeSeries(index:int):void
var mySeries:Array = new Array();
mySeries = lineChart.series;
mySeries.splice(index, 1);
lineChart.series = mySeries;
private function changeDataProvider():void
var series:Array = lineChart.series;
for (var i:int = 0; i < series.length; i++)
var lineSeries:LineSeries = series[i];
var item:ChartItem = chartItems.getItemAt(i) as ChartItem;
lineSeries.dataProvider = item.data.slice(leftindex, rightIndex);
lineChart.series = series;
Had someone the same problem or has an idea how to remove a series in another way?
Much thanks to JabbyPanda, his comment above describe how to resolve the problem. Just "replace" the charts.swc
from SDK 4.6 with the one from the SDK 4.5.1.