I'm looking to assess similarity (including case) between two strings and give a value between 0 and 1.
I tried the Levenshtein distance implementation but it only gives integers and does not compare inner alphabets.
For e.g. comparing "ABCD" and "Abcd" gives distance of 3 and "AOOO" also gives a distance of 3 but clearly "Abcd" is better match than "AOOO".
So compared to "ABCD" I want "ABcd" to be most similar then "Abcd" then "AOOO" then "AOOOO"
I've also looked here but I am not looking for a variable length algorithm.
Try something like this
double d = (LevenshteinDist(s, t) + LevenshteinDist(s.ToLower(), t.ToLower())) /
2.0 * Math.Max(s.Length, t.Length);
If you want to give less importance to case differences than letter differences, you can give different weights to the terms
double d = (0.15*LevenshteinDist(s, t) +
0.35*LevenshteinDist(s.ToLower(), t.ToLower())) /
Math.Max(s.Length, t.Length);
Note that the weights sum up to 0.5, thus makting the division by 2.0 obsolete.