$Computers = Get-QADComputer -sizelimit 5
returns a list of five computers. I loop with
foreach($computer in $computers) {
echo "and then I can do this $computer.name"
to get only the computername from $computers. But When i try to pass it to start-job like this:
Start-Job -FilePath $ScriptFile -Name $Computer.Name -ArgumentList $Computer
I am unable to do a $computer.name inside $scriptfile. I have to pass it like $computer.name and call it like $args[0]. But then I loose all the other properties (I am using a bunch inside $scriptfile.)
What am I not getting here? What would you call $computer? And what would you call $computer.name ?
You should be able to get the Name property with $args[0].Name. If you want to access the name parameter like so: $computer.name, then you need to define a parameter in $ScriptFile:
By the way' you can't do this:
echo "and then I can do this $computer.name"
PowerShell expands the value $computer only. Put it in a sub-expression:
echo "and then I can do this $($computer.name)"