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Where are 'package data' files?

I've created package with distutils including package data. When i look in tar.gz of my package I see expected files, BUT after package installation (by pip or by 'python install') there is no any package data. Only python scripts included. My is:

# py3.3
#from packaging.core import setup
# py3.2
from distutils.core import setup

    name = 'mypkg',
    version = '0.7dev',
    author = 'author',
    author_email = 'email',
    packages = [


  • Package data to be installed should be included as a package_data={} dictionary passed to the setup() function. Each dictionary gives the module (package) to be installed and a list of patterns to find data files to be installed from/with it, such as:

    package_data = {
        'exceptional_middleware': [ 'templates/http_responses/*.html' ],

    Additionally, you may prefer not to install your tests (just drop pkg/tests from the packages list).