Ok so whilst I have been working on my PHP and MySQL skills I am new to inserting data into multiple tables in one go. I have done some reading around the subject and I appreciate the basics and the importance of normalised data etc and as such the need to put the information into various tables.
I have pieced the code below together from some of my previous work as well as the tutorial offered at http://www.desilva.biz/mysql/insertid.html . The issue I currently face is that the tutorial I learnt the code from for inputting into various tables was not based around an array of data and whilst I have got it to almost work I cannot use my fuelrecords_id because where I have to call it in my current code it has not yet been defined. Therefore to make my code work at present I just have to use a comma for the column.
Finally I would like to perfect a way to make the if statements work correctly with the array data so if a 0 or blank is submitted as part of the array a new row is not inserted with just 0's in my database tables for that respective row of data
list($d, $m, $y) = explode('/', $wedrf);
$mk=mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y);
$con = mysql_connect("ip","username","password");
if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("jbsrint", $con);
//New Code
$row_data = array();
foreach($_POST['VEH_LIST_REG'] as $row=>$VEH_LIST_REG) {
$row_data[] = "(',', '$VEH_LIST_REG', '$WEDATE')";
$row_data1[] = "(',','$FR_DIE_L', '$FR_DIE_C', ',')";
$row_data2[] = "(',', '$FR_PET_L', '$FR_PET_C', ',')";
$row_data3[] = "(',', '$FR_OIL_L', '$FR_OIL_C', '$FR_OIL_C')";
if (!empty($row_data)) {
$query = 'INSERT INTO fuelrecords(FR_ID, VEH_LIST_REG, FR_WE) VALUES '.implode(',', $row_data);
#$result = mysql_query( $query);
# get fuelrecord id
$fuelrecords_ID = mysql_insert_id();
# if the user submitted diesel information
if( isset($FR_DIE_L) )
# and insert the diesel details
$sql = "INSERT INTO fuelrecords_die(FRD_ID,FR_DIE_L,FR_DIE_C,fuelrecords_ID) VALUES ".implode(',', $row_data1);
$result = mysql_query( $sql);
# if the user submitted petrol information
if( isset($FR_PET_L) )
# and insert the diesel details
$sql = "INSERT INTO fuelrecords_pet(FRP_ID,FR_PET_L,FR_PET_C,fuelrecords_ID) VALUES ".implode(',', $row_data2);
$result = mysql_query( $sql);
# if the user submitted oil information
if( isset($FR_OIL_L) )
# and insert the oil details
$sql = "INSERT INTO fuelrecords_oil(FRO_ID,FR_OIL_L,FR_OIL_C,fuelrecords_ID) VALUES ".implode(',', $row_data3);
$result = mysql_query( $sql);
if (mysql_query($query))
echo '<font color=\"FFFFFF\" size=\"3px\">Successful inserted</font>';
echo '<font color=\"FFFFFF\" size=\"3px\">Insert failed</font>';
Tables are as follows:
FR_ID (Auto increment)
fuelrecords_ID (foreign ID from fuelrecords)
fuelrecords_ID (foreign ID from fuelrecords)
fuelrecords_ID (foreign ID from fuelrecords)
Basically the purpose is to log vehicle fuel usage and cost. As there wont always be data for petrol, diesel and oil hence the separate tables so only needed dat is logged. Hope this clarifies
A always all help and assistance is much appreciated.
If I understand your code correctly you have 4 tables: fuelrecords
, fuelrecords_die
, fuelrecords_pet
, fuelrecords_oil
The 3 tables fuelrecords_die
, fuelrecords_pet
, fuelrecords_oil
each have a foreign key fuelrecords_id
to fuelrecords.fr_id
You now want to insert multiple tuples into fuelrecords
and, if additional data is provided, multiple tuples into the other 3 tables. I assume the fuelrecords.fr_id
column is a auto incrementing primary key.
To insert multiple tuples into fuelrecords and to have them each have a new fr_id, you just don't pass a value for the column fr_id
. This is equivalent to passing NULL
as value. MySQL will then automatically insert unique consecutive numbers for each tuple.
After that you can call mysql_insert_id()
to get the first inserted id. Using mysql_affected_rows()
you can get the number of inserted tuples. This is enough information to get the id for all lastly inserted tuples. The first is mysql_insert_id()+0
the second is mysql_insert_id()+1
, ..., the last is mysql_insert_id()+(mysql_affected_rows()-1)
In the next step you iterate over your input data again and insert the fuelrecords_id
into each of the tuples for the other 3 tables, using the above mentioned method. If $i
is the index of your input data $_POST['FR_DIE_L'][$i]
(starting at $i==0
), the fuelrecords_id
will be mysql_insert_id()+$i
. You are only allowed to iterate to mysql_insert_id()+mysql_affected_rows()-1
, but you will probably have the same count of POST-data anyways.
A much simpler but slightly less efficient way is to just do one insert into fuelrecords
and then one insert into the other 3 tables for each single POST-data object. You won't have to calculate the fuelrecords_id
as mysql_insert_id()
will give you the correct id after each insert.
list($d, $m, $y) = explode('/', $wedrf);
$mk=mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y);
$row_data = array();
// shorthand for mysql_real_escape_string
function esc($value) {
return mysql_real_escape_string($value);
// all tuples for fuelrecords to be inserted
foreach($_POST['VEH_LIST_REG'] as $row => $VEH_LIST_REG) {
$row_data[] = "(NULL, '".esc($VEH_LIST_REG)."', '".esc($wed_refor)."')";
if (!empty($row_data)) {
$query = 'INSERT INTO fuelrecords(FR_ID, VEH_LIST_REG, FR_WE) VALUES '.implode(',', $row_data);
$result = mysql_query($query);
# get first fuelrecord id
$first_fuelrecords_id = mysql_insert_id();
// all tuples for the other 3 tables. insert only if data is givin.
$die_data = array();
$pet_data = array();
$oil_data = array();
foreach($_POST['VEH_LIST_REG'] as $row => $VEH_LIST_REG) {
// calculate the right fuelrecords_id for this tuple
$fuelrecords_id = (int)($first_fuelrecords_id + $row);
// insert for fuelrecords_die
if (isset($_POST['FR_DIE_L'][$row]))
$die_data[] = "(NULL, ".$fuelrecords_id.", '".esc($_POST['FR_DIE_L'][$row])."', '".esc($_POST['FR_DIE_C'][$row])."')";
// insert for fuelrecords_pet
if (isset($_POST['FR_PET_L'][$row]))
$pet_data[] = "(NULL, ".$fuelrecords_id.", '".esc($_POST['FR_PET_L'][$row])."', '".esc($_POST['FR_PET_C'][$row])."')";
// insert for fuelrecords_oil
if (isset($_POST['FR_OIL_L'][$row]))
$oil_data[] = "(NULL, ".$fuelrecords_id.", '".esc($_POST['FR_OIL_L'][$row])."', '".esc($_POST['FR_OIL_C'][$row])."')";
// insert the tuples into fuelrecords_die
if (!empty($die_data))
$sql = "INSERT INTO fuelrecords_die(FRD_ID, fuelrecords_ID, FR_DIE_L, FR_DIE_C) VALUES ".implode(',', $die_data);
$result = mysql_query( $sql);
// insert the tuples into fuelrecords_pet
if (!empty($pet_data))
$sql = "INSERT INTO fuelrecords_pet(FRP_ID, fuelrecords_ID, FR_PET_L, FR_PET_C) VALUES ".implode(',', $pet_data);
$result = mysql_query( $sql);
// insert the tuples into fuelrecords_oil
if (!empty($oil_data))
$sql = "INSERT INTO fuelrecords_oil(FRO_ID, fuelrecords_ID, FR_OIL_L, FR_OIL_C) VALUES ".implode(',', $oil_data);
$result = mysql_query( $sql);
A small off-topic addition: Try not to use upper case variable names. Upper case identifiers are usually preserved for constants:
define("MY_SHORT_PI", 3.14159265);
define("MY_CONST", "foobar");
$my_variable = "bat";
echo "I am a constant ".MY_SHORT_PI;
echo "Me too ".MY_CONST;
echo "I am a variable ".$my_variable;
This won't have any effect on the PHP interpreter. It's just a common notation to make your code readable for others. There are many style guides out there like the one from PEAR.
Second Example (see comments)
list($d, $m, $y) = explode('/', $wedrf);
$mk=mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y);
// VALUES strings for fuelrecords
$row_data = array();
// temporary storage for just _L and _C values
$die_data_tmp = array();
$pet_data_tmp = array();
$oil_data_tmp = array();
// VALUES strings for the three tables
$die_data = array();
$pet_data = array();
$oil_data = array();
// shorthand for mysql_real_escape_string
function esc($value) {
return mysql_real_escape_string($value);
// all tuples for fuelrecords to be inserted
foreach($_POST['VEH_LIST_REG'] as $row => $VEH_LIST_REG) {
// check if diesel values are greater than 0
if (0 < (int)$_POST['FR_DIE_L'][$row] && 0 < (int)$_POST['FR_DIE_C'][$row])
$die_data_tmp[$row] = array($_POST['FR_DIE_L'][$row], $_POST['FR_DIE_C'][$row]);
// check if petrolium values are greater than 0
if (0 < (int)$_POST['FR_PET_L'][$row] && 0 < (int)$_POST['FR_PET_C'][$row])
$pet_data_tmp[$row] = array($_POST['FR_PET_L'][$row], $_POST['FR_PET_C'][$row]);
// check if oil values are greater than 0
if (0 < (int)$_POST['FR_OIL_L'][$row] && 0 < (int)$_POST['FR_OIL_C'][$row])
$oil_data_tmp[$row] = array($_POST['FR_OIL_L'][$row], $_POST['FR_OIL_C'][$row]);
// check if at least one of the 3 tables will get tuples. if not just continue
// with the next and don't assign this fuelrecord tuple to $row_data
if (! isset($die_data_tmp[$row]) && ! isset($pet_data_tmp[$row]) && ! isset($oil_data_tmp[$row]))
// all values are at least 1, so add this tuple to our inserts
$row_data[$row] = "(NULL, '".esc($VEH_LIST_REG)."', '".esc($wed_refor)."')";
if (!empty($row_data)) {
$query = 'INSERT INTO fuelrecords(FR_ID, VEH_LIST_REG, FR_WE) VALUES '.implode(',', $row_data);
$result = mysql_query($query);
# get first fuelrecord id
$current_fuelrecords_id = mysql_insert_id();
// all tuples for the other 3 tables. insert only if data is givin.
foreach($row_data as $row => $VEH_LIST_REG) {
// insert for fuelrecords_die
if (isset($die_data_tmp[$row]))
$die_data[] = "(NULL, ".$current_fuelrecords_id.", '".esc($die_data_tmp[$row][0])."', '".esc($die_data_tmp[$row][1])."')";
// insert for fuelrecords_pet
if (isset($pet_data_tmp[$row]))
$pet_data[] = "(NULL, ".$current_fuelrecords_id.", '".esc($pet_data_tmp[$row][0])."', '".esc($pet_data_tmp[$row][1])."')";
// insert for fuelrecords_oil
if (isset($oil_data_tmp[$row]))
$oil_data[] = "(NULL, ".$current_fuelrecords_id.", '".esc($oil_data_tmp[$row][0])."', '".esc($oil_data_tmp[$row][1])."')";
// increment the fuelrecords_id for the next tuple.
// insert the tuples into fuelrecords_die
if (!empty($die_data))
$sql = "INSERT INTO fuelrecords_die(FRD_ID, fuelrecords_ID, FR_DIE_L, FR_DIE_C) VALUES ".implode(',', $die_data);
$result = mysql_query( $sql);
// insert the tuples into fuelrecords_pet
if (!empty($pet_data))
$sql = "INSERT INTO fuelrecords_pet(FRP_ID, fuelrecords_ID, FR_PET_L, FR_PET_C) VALUES ".implode(',', $pet_data);
$result = mysql_query( $sql);
// insert the tuples into fuelrecords_oil
if (!empty($oil_data))
$sql = "INSERT INTO fuelrecords_oil(FRO_ID, fuelrecords_ID, FR_OIL_L, FR_OIL_C) VALUES ".implode(',', $oil_data);
$result = mysql_query( $sql);