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jQuery Unable to process cloned input fields

I have some code to clone the input field directly preceding the clone 'button' renaming the id and name of the field as it goes (shown below): -

$(".clone").live('click', function () {
var doppleganger = $(this).prev(); // Neater referencing.

$(this).prev().attr("id", "input" + increment).attr("name", "input" + increment);


return false;


. The form (#adv_magic) data is loaded on the fly with the jquery ajax event and submitted thusly: -

$("#adv_magic").live('submit', function() {

$("#editor_button, #date_select, #search").hide();

    type: "POST",
    url: "./scripts/aquire_template.php",
    data: $("#adv_magic").serialize(),
    success: function(html){
return false;


However my cloned input fields are not being processed when the form is posted to my script. I've seen a few tutorials about creating the input fields as an array but i'd rather not mess around with that at this stage if there is anything else I can do.

I'm wondering also if it's to with the way I am serializing the form? I can't post the full code or a link on this occasion unfortunately as the application is not available from the web. Any thoughts on this would be really appreciated! I'm stumped!

Update Sat 10th 20:31 GMT > I got the following report from the console > post tab in firebug: -

input1  meeting
input2  select date
input3  enter text
input6  enter text
input7  test
switch  1


Inputs 5/6/7 are cloned elements so presumably they are being passed to the script?

Update Sat 10th 21:06 GMT > Echoing the string variable before it is being processed by the script shows non of the cloned input fields.


  • This one worked for me.

    <form id="myForm">
            <input type="text" id="input1" name="input1"/><input type="button" value="clone" class="clone"/>
        <input type="submit" value="submit" id="sbmt"/>
    $(".clone").live("click", function(e) {
        var count = $("#myForm fieldset").length + 1;
            "id": "input" + count,
            "name": "input" + count
    function(e) {
        e = e || window.event;
            type: "GET",
            url: "/",
            data: $("#myForm").serialize(),
        return false;
