I would like to rewrite an application that currently works as a Windows GUI in C#. The problem is, it works well on Windows, but is not adapted for Mac and Linux because of GUI issues with Mono.
So my idea, was to continue with C# (needed because of an essential sub program that needs to run C# and cannot be ported) and try to rewrite it as a web application that any user on Windows, Mac or Linux could access easily and make it work.
It is also important that my application remains working "out-of-the-box" because it aims high accessibility.
I've looked for solutions like :
Alternatively, do you have any other idea for me to have a C# web app working out of the box for the end users ? The only thing needed would be to install Mono on Mac and Linux.
Thank you very much for your help.
EDIT 1 : I realize that I have not explained all aspects correctly. In fact, there are 2 applications in my project :
My goal is to convert my GUI application into a web app application so there's no more the Windows Forms GUI hassle on Mac and Linux.
Is it necessary for your core application to run on the client?
If NOT, then the best approach is to rewrite everything as a web (ASP.NET) application which is going to run on a Windows server. Users on all your target platforms will then access this app through a web browser.
If YES, then a web app is not a good idea. You really don't want to require a web server on your clients. You have two possibilities: