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Manipulate an Archive in memory with PHP (without creating a temporary file on disk)

I am trying to generate an archive on-the-fly in PHP and send it to the user immediately (without saving it). I figured that there would be no need to create a file on disk as the data I'm sending isn't persistent anyway, however, upon searching the web, I couldn't find out how. I also don't care about the file format.

So, the question is:

Is it possible to create and manipulate a file archive in memory within a php script without creating a tempfile along the way?


  • I had the same problem but finally found a somewhat obscure solution and decided to share it here.

    I came accross the great zip.lib.php/unzip.lib.php scripts which come with phpmyadmin and are located in the "libraries" directory.

    Using zip.lib.php worked as a charm for me:

    require_once(LIBS_DIR . 'zip.lib.php');
    //create the zip
    $zip = new zipfile();
    //add files to the zip, passing file contents, not actual files
    $zip->addFile($file_content, $file_name);
    //prepare the proper content type
    header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment;");
    header("Content-Description: Files of an applicant");
    //get the zip content and send it back to the browser
    echo $zip->file();

    This script allows downloading of a zip, without the need of having the files as real files or saving the zip itself as a file.

    It is a shame that this functionality is not part of a more generic PHP library.

    Here is a link to the zip.lib.php file from the phpmyadmin source:

    UPDATE: Make sure you remove the following check from the beginning of zip.lib.php as otherwise the script just terminates:

    if (! defined('PHPMYADMIN')) {

    UPDATE: This code is available on the CodeIgniter project as well: