Sorry if this is base, I don't know much about Symfony.
I'm trying to set up a fresh, live database to populate. I have copied the schema from our test server, but dont want the whole test db. This means I have no admin user to work in the backend.
What I want to do is add a super user via the command line. I found this: How to add users to sfguard
But I get the following error:
Unable to open PDO connection [wrapped: invalid data source name]
Also, I don't think the user created here would be a superadmin, no?
If anyone can explain the error or how to add a superuser it would make my life a tonne better and mean I can get some actual stuff done (instead of banging my head against the keyb). Thanks in advance!
The error message is about PDO can not connect to your database. You should edit config/databases.yml
and fill in your connection information correctly like:
class: sfDoctrineDatabase
dsn: mysql:host=localhost;dbname=your_database_name
username: your_username
password: your_password #(or null if no password)
For more information see databases.yml reference
To create a new user use php symfony guard:create-user [email protected] username passwod
and than make this user super admin php symfony guard:promote username