I have a file transfer application (server-client) ... while sending a file, i want to enable cancellation.
Client Cancel the SendFile method that it works by backgroundworker then it sends a command to the server to cancel its receiving thread.
when server receives this command it calls Stop method but it stucks in that line network.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
how can i abort this thread and go to finally without stucking in network.Read(..) ??
thanks in advance.
Thread thTransferFile = null;
void Start()
thTransferFile = new Thread(unused => ft.Receive(destPath, Convert.ToInt64(fileSize);
void Stop()
public void Receive(string destPath, long fileSize)
using (fs = new FileStream(destPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
int count = 0;
long sum = 0;
data = new byte[packetSize];
while (sum < fileSize)
count = network.Read(data, 0, data.Length); //thread stucks in this line when i abort it
fs.Write(data, 0, count);
sum += count;
network.Write(new byte[1], 0, 1); //tell client that the file transfer ends
if (Thread.CurrentThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.AbortRequested)
i've found a solution when i cancel sending from client side .. the network.DataAvailable set to false .. so i added this line to my receive method in the server
in the while loop:
while (sum < fileSize)
if (network.DataAvailable)
count = network.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
fs.Write(data, 0, count);
sum += count;
so it will never stuck at network.Read anymore. it totally worked