A serious bug has popped up and I don't have a clue why. Not long after I start my game, the game freezes. All I know is that the program execution goes into world.step(1.0f/30.0f, 5, 2);
and never exits, thus freezing the game (By never, I mean no visible change has occurred for more than a minute, and for this application it may as well be forever). I've been working on this for a while and this hasn't happened before, but now it happens every time within seconds of starting.
Anyone have any idea why this might happen?
Sadly, in an event like this, I kinda wish I was using version control.
I found the problem. For some reason it was this method (And another like it) that caused the problem.
public Vec2 getRWallCenter()
Vec2 v = rWall.getPosition();
float scale = purpleRadius / 2;
v.set(v.x * scale, v.y * scale);
return v;
Could it be that when I tried to scale v
to screen coordinates, I was actually modifying the wall's vector? Perhaps I could try cloning the vector.