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ContentFlow: how to not scale the pictures?

I am using the excellent jQuery coverflow plugin ContentFlow but I have a problem with it.

The picture at the center is always scaled too much, which makes it blurry. After countless tries, I still cannot see where the problem comes from.

Here are the relevant config options:

// overall scale factor of content    
scaleFactor: 1.0,

// scale factor of landscape images ('max' := height= maxItemHeight)    
scaleFactorLandscape: "max",     

// scale factor of portraoit and square images ('max' := width = item width)    
scaleFactorPortrait: "max",      

I found that by setting the scaleFactor around 0.84, the image shown in the flow is the same size as the original one, but still blurry. Any idea ?


  • I found that by setting the height to the exact height of the picture, the problem is solved.