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Routing Issue With FuelPHP

I'm using FuelPHP to create a simple web app with a photo gallery. All photos must belong to a gallery, and may only belong to one gallery. Given that a photo must exist as a component of a gallery, I want my URL structure to look something like the following:

To index all photos in gallery #4

To edit photo 17 in gallery 2

...etc. Pretty obvious pattern. I added the following line to my routes.php to kick things off:

admin/galleries/:gid/photos' => array('admin/photos/index')

...but visiting /admin/galleries/4/photos gives me a 404. Thoughts? Is there another routing pattern I should be using?


  • This is how I would end up writing it:

    // To edit photo 17 in gallery 2
    'admin/galleries/(\d+)/photos/edit/(\d+)' => 'admin/photos/edit/$1/$2',
    // To index all photos in gallery #4
    'admin/galleries/(\d+)/photos' => 'admin/photos/index/$1',

    That's assuming your controller is look something like this:

    class Controller_Photos extends \Controller {
        public function action_index($gallery) {
        public function action_edit($gallery, $photo) {