In my Lotus Notes application (classic, not using XPages), the user won't be able to edit documents directly.
Instead, modifications will happen dialog-based and triggered through actions on the form.
For example, I have an action invoking code similar to the following:
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim result As String
Dim document As NotesDocument
Dim options(1 To 6) As String
'... - Fill options
Set document = ws.CurrentDocument.Document
result = ws.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELCOMBO, "New Value", "Please choose the new value", document.Foo(0), options)
If result <> "" Then
document.Foo = result
Call document.ComputeWithForm(False, True)
Call document.Save(True, False)
End If
This updates the value of Foo
to the value the user chose in the dialog.
However, this new value is not shown to the user - the Form does not seem to be refreshed.
Reopening and closing the form does show the new value; it definitely gets updated.
The nearest I could get was the following code (inside the if-block):
ws.CurrentDocument.EditMode = True
document.Foo = result
Call ws.CurrentDocument.Save()
ws.CurrentDocument.EditMode = False
Nevertheless, this solution seems a bit suboptimal to me as I have to enter edit mode.
How can I refresh the form using Notes Script to reflect the change of the field without having to enter edit-mode?
Methods like ws.CurrentDocument.Refresh
either don't show any effect or raise errors as they can't be used outside edit-mode.
Many thanks in advance for your ideas, tips and solutions!
I found another solution avoiding entering edit-mode:
As the documentation to Reload
Modifications made to the back-end document outside the current editing session (for example, by an agent or another user) do not appear until the document is closed and reopened. You can close and reopen a front-end document with
Thus, the document can be "refreshed" (with a bit of flickering) using:
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim document As NotesDocument
Set document = ws.CurrentDocument.Document
Call ws.Currentdocument.Close(True)
Call ws.Editdocument(False, document)