I've stated before I'm not very good at scripting so what I have below copies files from a share directory to mine where I change their permissions. But then I wanted to remove the first line in each of the CSV files — the headings — and then I wanted to get this to run every hour.
cd /users
scp dehpc14_Disk_Quota_Report.csv /h/u544835
scp dehpc14_User_Disk_Usage.csv /h/u544835
cd /h/u544835
chmod 755 dehpc14_Disk_Quota_Report.csv
chmod 755 dehpc14_User_Disk_Usage.csv
* insert delete csv first line here *
Can anyone help me with deleting the first line of the CSV file and getting this to run automatically every hour, for example, or direct me to something I might understand to get cracking with it?
You can delete the first line of a file using sed
sed -i '' 1d file.csv
If you just want to get the contents of the file without the first line, and without modifying the file, remove the -i ''
sed 1d file.csv
Here 1d is the command to execute:
So 1d means 'delete line 1'
If you want to get the first line, you can use sed too:
sed -n 1p file.csv
Here p stands for 'print' or
sed 1q file.csv
(see William Pursell's comment)