I've got a target schema adresse where plz is a number and a source schema where plz is varchar2.
The following code throws a ORA-01722 - invalid number error, but I can't determine why. There are about 30 plz like '26189' or '38108' and 5 null values.
create or replace
procedure f1_get_adresses is
cursor c_adresse is
select id, strasse, hausnummer, to_number(to_nchar(postleitzahl))
as postleitzahl, ort, land
from db2_lsg2.f1_adresse;
rec c_adresse%rowtype;
counter number(10);
val_plz number(10);
for rec in c_adresse
-- PLZ
select count(*) into counter from postleitzahl
where plz = rec.postleitzahl and ort = rec.ort;
if counter = 0 then
if rec.postleitzahl is null then
val_plz := 0;
val_plz := rec.postleitzahl;
end if;
insert into postleitzahl (plz, ort) values (rec.ort, val_plz);
end if;
-- Land
select count(*) into counter from land
where land_name = rec.land;
if counter = 0 then
insert into land (land_name) values (rec.land);
end if;
select count(*) into counter from adresse
where strasse = rec.strasse
and hausnummer = rec.hausnummer
and plz = rec.postleitzahl
and (select land_name from land where land_name = rec.land) = rec.land;
if counter = 0 then
insert into adresse (strasse, hausnummer, plz, land_id)
values (
(select land_id from land where land_name = rec.land)
end if;
end loop;
Not much details you gave us, so let's guess.. What is the type of rec.ort
insert into postleitzahl (plz, ort) values (rec.ort, val_plz);
should it not be (different order)
insert into postleitzahl (plz, ort) values (val_plz, rec.ort); ?