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Apply grid filter programmatically from function

Using Ext.ux.grid.FiltersFeature, I have remote filters and I am trying to write a function to apply a date filter on a grid column programmatically (rather than clicking on the filter drop down menu in the column header). The first time I run the function the grid store gets reloaded without the filter. When I run the function a second time (and every time thereafter) it works totally fine, the store reloads with the filters. Here is the gist of the function I have:

// a filter object for testing
aFilter = {type: 'date', field: 'a_date_field', comparison: 'gt', value: '2012-03-08 00:00:00'}

var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
    store: store,
    features: [{
        ftype: 'filters',
        header: 'ID',
        dataIndex: 'id',
        itemId: 'id',            
        width: 40,
    }, {
        xtype: 'datecolumn',
        header: 'Date',
        dataIndex: 'a_date_field',
        itemId: 'a_date_field',
        width: 75,
        filterable: true
    listeners: {
        'afterrender': function() {

            // Need to create the filters as soon as the grid renders
            // rather than waiting for the user to click on the header
    bbar: [{
        text: 'Do a filter',
        handler: function() {

            // get the filter that is attached to the grid
            var gridFilter = grid.filters.getFilter(aFilter.field);

            // have to do this to create a menu for this filter
            gridFilter.init({dataIndex: aFilter.field, type: aFilter.type, active: true});

            // if this column is a date filter column
            if (gridFilter.type == 'date') {
                var dateValue = Ext.Date.parse(aFilter.value, 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
                if (filter.comparison == 'gt') {
                    gridFilter.setValue({after: dateValue});
                } else {
                    gridFilter.setValue({before: dateValue});

I also found that this function works the first time if I click on any grid header menu before I run the function.

I've been trying to find out what changes are made to the grid which make the filter work after the first attempt fails or what clicking on any grid header does to make it work. But nothing I add seems to fix it so it will run the first time. Has anyone implemented this successfully?


  • I have workaround:

    bbar: [{
        text: 'Do a filter',
        handler: function() {
            var grid = this.up('grid');
            var dateValue = Ext.Date.parse(aFilter.value, 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
            var value = aFilter.comparison == 'gt' ? {after: dateValue} : {before: dateValue};
            var gridFilter = grid.filters.getFilter(aFilter.field);
            if (!gridFilter) {
                gridFilter = grid.filters.addFilter({
                    active: true,
                    type: aFilter.type,
                    dataIndex: aFilter.dataIndex,
            } else {
                gridFilter = grid.filters.getFilter(aFilter.field);
            }, 10);

    As you can see I actually apply filter 2 times.