I downloaded the MVC Mini Profiler source code from GitHub, compiled it, and integrated it into my company's website.
However, I've started noticing a couple of bugs, which made me realize that I didn't download any particular "stable" or "release" version -- I just downloaded the latest, in-development version from GitHub.
So now, I'm trying to figure out if there's a stable version that I can download, but nothing is mentioned on the GitHub nor the Google Code repos!
As I understand it, there is a NuGet package that can be used to grab the latest "release" binaries. However, I require the source code, because I have a couple of modifications I'm making to the source.
Does anyone know how to find the latest stable version? What version does StackOverflow use?
EDIT: I previously mentioned that I was implementing .NET 3.5 support, but that's completely unrelated to my question.
I don't have a specific pin, however!
SE Inc. is currently using a build from (checks repo) Wed Feb 22. This ties in with 2.0.0-rc1. Therefore, I think we can conclude that 8325ee327870 is the commit you want, although the next two (397592adda97 and c6f8413a4727) look innocuous.