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Python: How to use string.translate() to replace quotation marks? (for "slug" creation)

I want to remove all strange characters from a string to make it "url safe". Therefor, I have a function that goes like this:

def urlize(url, safe=u''):
   intab =  u"àáâãäåòóôõöøèéêëçìíîïùúûüÿñ" + safe
   outtab = u"aaaaaaooooooeeeeciiiiuuuuyn" + safe
   trantab = dict((ord(a), b) for a, b in zip(intab, outtab))
   return url.lower().translate(trantab).strip()

This works just great, but now I want to reuse that funcion to allow special characters. For example, the quotation mark.

urlize(u'This is sóme randóm "text" that í wánt to process',u'"')

...and that throws the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: expected a character buffer object

I have tried, but did not work:

intab =  u"àáâãäåòóôõöøèéêëçìíîïùúûüÿñ%s" , safe

--EDIT-- The full function looks like this

def urlize(url, safe=u''):

    intab =  u"àáâãäåòóôõöøèéêëçìíîïùúûüÿñ" + safe
    outtab = u"aaaaaaooooooeeeeciiiiuuuuyn" + safe
    trantab = dict((ord(a), b) for a, b in zip(intab, outtab))
    translated_url = url.lower().translate(trantab).strip()

    pos = 0
    stop = len(translated_url)
    new_url= ''
    last_division_char = False

    while pos < stop:
        if not translated_url[pos].isalnum() and translated_url[pos] not in safe:
            if (not last_division_char) and (pos != stop -1):
                last_division_char = True
            last_division_char = False

    return new_url

--EDIT-- Goal

What I want is to normalize text so that I can put it on the url myself, and use it like an Id. For example, if I want to show the products of a category, I'd rather put "ninos-y-bebes" instead of "niños-y-bebés" (spanish for kids and babies). I really don't want all the áéíóúñ (which are the special characters in spanish) in my url, but I don't want to get rid of them either. That's why I would like to replace all characters that looks the same (not 100% all of them, I dont care) and then delete all non alfanumeric characters left.


  • The unidecode module is a safer option (it will handle other special simbols like "degree"):

    >>> from unidecode import unidecode
    >>> s = u'This is sóme randóm "text" that í wánt to process'
    >>> unidecode(s)
    'This is some random "text" that i want to process'
    >>> import urllib
    >>> urllib.urlencode(dict(x=unidecode(s)))[2:]

    [ update ]

    i think i'm already doing that -> u"aaaaaaooooooeeeeciiiiuuuuyn" – Marco Bruggmann

    Fair enough, if you are willing to keep track of every unicode character out there for your translation table (accented characters are not the only issues, there are a whole lot of symbols to rain on your parade).

    Worst, many unicode symbols may be visually identical to their ASCII counterparts, leading to hard to diagnose errors.

    [ update ]

    What about something like:

    >>> safe_chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890-_'
    >>> filter(lambda x: x in safe_chars, "i think i'm already doing that")

    [ update ]

    @Daenyth I tried it, but I only get errors: from urllib import urlencode => urlencode('';) => TypeError: not a valid non-string sequence or mapping object – Marco Bruggmann

    The urlencode function is intended to produce QUERYSTRING formated output (a=1&b=2&c=3). It expects key/value pairs:

    >>> urllib.urlencode(dict(url=''))
    >>> help(urllib.urlencode)
    Help on function urlencode in module urllib:
    urlencode(query, doseq=0)
        Encode a sequence of two-element tuples or dictionary into a URL query string.
        If any values in the query arg are sequences and doseq is true, each
        sequence element is converted to a separate parameter.
        If the query arg is a sequence of two-element tuples, the order of the
        parameters in the output will match the order of parameters in the

    [ update ]

    That will works without a doubt, but what I want is to normalize text so that I can put it on the url myself, and use it like an Id. For example, if I want to show the products of a category, I'd rather put "ninos-y-bebes" instead of "niños-y-bebés" (spanish for kids and babies). I really don't want all the áéíóúñ (which are the special characters in spanish) in my url, but I don't want to get rid of them either. That's why I would like to replace all characters that looks the same (not 100% all of them, I dont care) and then delete all non alfanumeric characters left.

    Ok, Marco, what you want is a routine to create the so called slugs, isn't it?

    You can do it in one line:

    >>> s = u'This is sóme randóm "text" that í wánt to process'
    >>> allowed_chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwvxyz01234567890'
    >>> ''.join([ x if x in allowed_chars else '-' for x in unidecode(s.lower()) ])
    >>> s = u"Niños y Bebés"
    >>> ''.join([ x if x in allowed_chars else '-' for x in unidecode(s.lower()) ])
    >>> s = u"1ª Categoria, ½ docena"
    >>> ''.join([ x if x in allowed_chars else '-' for x in unidecode(s.lower()) ])