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echo full joomla query (with limit etc)?

I was wondering if there was a way to echo out the full query with limit and limitstart etc. I can echo out the line $query, but i want to see why the limit isn't working and I can't seem to get it to display the actual query that it's sending to the database.. Here's the code:

$params =& JComponentHelper::getParams('com_news');
$limit = $params->get('x_items', 5);
$limitstart = JRequest::getVar('limitstart', 0);

$query = "SELECT * FROM #__news WHERE published = 1 AND catid = ".$Itemid." ORDER BY date DESC";
$db->setQuery($query, $limitstart, $limit);
$rows = $db->loadObjectList();

$db->getQuery($query, $limitstart, $limit); is only displaying "SELECT * FROM jos_news WHERE published = 1 AND catid = 8 ORDER BY date DESC" which doesnt have the LIMIT params on the end of the query..

Any help would be appreciated :)


  • var_dump($db);die;

    Do that after the loadObjectList() call. Inside the $db variable there must be a _sql attribute that is the last query executed.