There are certain posts on MySQL connection set time out from PHP using mysql.connect_timeout. I want to know if this set timeout from PHP just time out the initial connection to MySQL or valid for a particular query to database?
My case here is that, I have a page with connection to MySQL on top and then I am executing say 3-4 queries to MySQL one after the another. 1st and 2nd query taken only 1-2 seconds to execute where as 3rd query takes 20 seconds. Now, in cases when 3rd query is taking more than 20 seconds, I want to call time out. So, the question here is that, setting this time out from PHP is applicable to initial connection to database or it is applicable to every subsequent query as well (independently). If later is the case, then how I can set it to timeout after 20 seconds for 3rd query?
The connect_timeout parameter is only valid at connection time. It's useful to check if your DB server is reachable in 20 seconds or so. Once connected the specified timeout is no longer valid.
I don't find any query timeout parameter on official mysql manual page: so I don't think this is possibile.