I want to use a constant in my TT template. In HTML::Mason (my previous templating engine of choice) I could do:
use MyApp::Constants qw(CONSTANT);
How can I do this in Template Toolkit? As mentioned in the title this is a Catalyst app so I was thinking I could put the constants in the stash but that seems a bit awkward.
Sorry - I should have mentioned I want to use my own constants - exported from MyApp::Constants, without duplication.
In your TT configuration, you can use the VARIABLES option to pass a list of values that will be passed to every template when it's processed. Using some symbol table trickery, you can suck out all your constants into the config:
use MyApp::Constants;
use Template;
my $tt; # template object
no strict 'refs';
$tt = Template->new( {
VARIABLES => { map { $_ => &{ 'MyApp::Constants::' . $_ } }
grep { defined &{ 'MyApp::Constants::' . $_ } }
keys %MyApp::Constants::
This looks at all the symbols in the package MyApp::Constants
, checks if they are defined as subroutines (this is what constant.pm
does under the hood) and then uses map
to provide a hashref of them to TT.