I'm creating a Ruby script to import a tab-delimited text file of about 150k lines into SQLite. Here it is so far:
require 'sqlite3'
file = File.new("/Users/michael/catalog.txt")
string = []
# Escape single quotes, remove newline, split on tabs,
# wrap each item in quotes, and join with commas
def prepare_for_insert(s)
s.gsub(/'/,"\\\\'").chomp.split(/\t/).map {|str| "'#{str}'"}.join(", ")
file.each_line do |line|
string << prepare_for_insert(line)
database = SQLite3::Database.new("/Users/michael/catalog.db")
# Insert each string into the database
string.each do |str|
database.execute( "INSERT INTO CATALOG VALUES (#{str})")
The script errors out on the first line containing a single quote in spite of the gsub
to escape single quotes in my prepare_for_insert
in `initialize': near "s": syntax error (SQLite3::SQLException)
It's erroring out on line 15. If I inspect that line with puts string[14]
, I can see where it's showing the error near "s". It looks like this: 'Touch the Top of the World: A Blind Man\'s Journey to Climb Farther Than the Eye Can See'
Looks like the single quote is escaped, so why am I still getting the error?
Don't do it like that at all, string interpolation and SQL tend to be a bad combination. Use a prepared statement instead and let the driver deal with quoting and escaping:
# Ditch the gsub in prepare_for_insert and...
db = SQLite3::Database.new('/Users/michael/catalog.db')
ins = db.prepare('insert into catalog (column_name) values (?)')
string.each { |s| ins.execute(s) }
You should replace column_name
with the real column name of course; you don't have to specify the column names in an INSERT but you should always do it anyway. If you need to insert more columns then add more placeholders and arguments to ins.execute
Using prepare
and execute
should be faster, safer, easier, and it won't make you feel like you're writing PHP in 1999.
Also, you should use the standard CSV parser to parse your tab-separated files, XSV formats aren't much fun to deal with (they're downright evil in fact) and you have better things to do with your time than deal with their nonsense and edge cases and what not.