normally explorer.exe and services.exe are started with 0x0f Affinity ( all 4 cores are used )
what i want is to make explorer and services to start differently for example
start /Affinity 3 explorer.exe
start /Affinity 4 services.exe
hence making the explorer.exe only use core 0 and 1
and making the services.exe use the core 2
leaving core 3 free for me to allocate at will
this would really help me a lot
p.s. i already know how to change it after it has already started, but the objective of this is making all child process is that start from explorer.exe and services.exe start with the same affinity since affinity is inherited to child processes
thanks for trying
I did it by removing the explorer.exe from startup in windows components and then i added a start /Affinity 3 explorer.exe, this was some years ago so i don't remember how i did it exactly to post the complete answer, but you can search and you would find out how to stop explorer from starting then you can start it how ever u want