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CrossThreading issue with BackgroundWorker and statusstrip update

I have been working on a tool that uses a BackgroundWorker to perform a ping operation on a regular interval. I am running into an issue with the BackgroundWorker ProgressChanged event. The code for the ProgressChanged Event is below:

private void backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
           ProgressUpdated update = (ProgressUpdated)e.UserState;
           if (sender.ToString() == "System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker")
               toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = update.GeneralStatus;
               toolStripProgressBar1.Value = update.ProgressStatus;
               toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = update.SpecificStatus;
               toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = update.GeneralStatus;
               toolStripProgressBar2.Value = update.ProgressStatus;
               toolStripStatusLabel3.Text = update.SpecificStatus;

The ProgressChanged event gets called both in the BackgroundWork where it updates the first values and from the pingcompletedcallback event when a ping finishes. I only run into the cross threading issue when the ProgressChanged event runs from the PingCompletedCallback event. It throws the error when it goes to update the second Progress bar.

I can not seem to figure out why its happening for one of the calls but not the other.

Is the PingCompletedCallBack happening on the BackgroundWorker thread and thats why its causing the cross threading issues?

If so how do I raise the event so that it will be processed on the UI thread and not the backgroundworker?


private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
         BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
         // creates ping and sends it async
         ProgressUpdated args = new ProgressUpdated(string1, int1, string 2);
         // rest of thread for cleanup when cancellation is called
private void PingCompletedCallback(object sender, PingCompletedEventArgs e)
            // handle the ping response
            ProgressUpdated update = new ProgressUpdated(string1, int1, string2);
            ProgressChangedEventArgs changed = new ProgressChangedEventArgs(1,update);
            backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged(this, changed);
            // handle other types of responses


I thought the use of events was to allow the separation of threads. Aka worker thread raises an event that the UI thread is listening for, then the raised event gets processed on the UI thread.

Since my understanding was wrong, would the PingCompletedCallBack have access to the the ReportProgress method of the backgroundworker?

I could then change in PingCompletedCallback:

ProgressChangedEventArgs changed = new ProgressChangedEventArgs(1,update);
backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged(this, changed);


backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(1, update);

or would I need to change it in some other way?

Thanks for anyone's assistance.

Edit 2:

Changed ProgrssChanged event

private void backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
           ProgressUpdated update = (ProgressUpdated)e.UserState;
           toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = update.GeneralStatus;
           toolStripProgressBar1.Value = update.ProgressStatus;
           toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = update.SpecificStatus;

I then created a second update event

private void PingUpdate (object sender, ProgressUpdated e)
         toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = e.GeneralStatus;
         toolStripProgressBar2.Value = e.ProgressStatus;
         toolStripStatusLable3.Text = e.SepcificStatus;

The only thing I have left is to call the new event from PingCompletedCallback in such a way as it gets executed on the UI Thread. Is this where the Invoke statement would be used or should the Invokes be used in the new event?


  • The documentation for BackgroundWorker states that you should not be manipulating UI objects through the DoWork method, and that any changes to UI objects should be made through ReportProgress. I haven't looked at reflector, but it's probably performing a hidden "Invoke" for you. Whatever is raising your PingCompleted event is probably executing within the worker thread or some other thread that is not the main thread.

    You will see in the threads window of the Visual Studio debugger that DoTask does not execute on the main thread; however, when ReportProgress is called, the handler is executed on the main thread. Since your controls were probably created on the main thread, you do not see the exception. enter image description here

    Now, if you attempt to call backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged explicitly within the DoWork method, then backgroundWorker1_ProgressedChanged will be executed on the same thread that's executing the DoWork method, or, in your case, the method that's raising the PingCompleted event: enter image description here

    You can probably solve this cross thread exception by adding InvokeRequired checks within your backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged handler, or route your PingCompleted handler to call ReportProgress


    Calling ReportProgress from the PingCompleted handler won't work because you will lose the original sender.

    private void backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
        if (InvokeRequired)
            Invoke(new ProgressChangedEventHandler(backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged), sender, e);
        // The rest of your code goes here

    EDIT 2 Response:

    private void PingUpdate (object sender, ProgressUpdated e)
         if (InvokeRequired)
            Invoke(new Action<object, ProgressUpdated>(PingUpdate), sender, e);
         toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = e.GeneralStatus;
         toolStripProgressBar2.Value = e.ProgressStatus;
         toolStripStatusLable3.Text = e.SepcificStatus;