I have recently deployed my web role to Windows Azure. In the properties of my WebRole I have set Enable Diagnostics.
I can also see that it correctly maps to a storage account once deployed by viewing the configuration file of the hosted service.
I have not setup anything else for diagnostics, I am unaware that I need to do anything else.
I am now setting up AzureWatch (by paraleap) to monitor my instances however it reports that WADPerformanceCountersTable does not exist.
I am very new to Azure, don't have a clue how the diganostics work and can't find anything on Google that shows me how. Could someone please show me the way.
Ok I figured it out and will leave this here for others to follow.
Step 1
If you follow http://dunnry.com/blog/2012/02/27/SettingUpDiagnosticsMonitoringInWindowsAzure.aspx Windows Azure Diagnostics will start saving data into your attached Blob storage, full of diagnostic information.
Step 2
However I needed the WADPerformanceCounterTable, which should have been located in the tables section of the storage account but it never was created. I needed this to use services like AzureWatch to monitor and spin up or down instances.
Step 3
In your project you need to add which performance counters to monitor in the WebRole.cs.
Step 4
Next you need to define which performance counters to monitor. As such here is a great sample: http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsazure/Windows-Azure-PerformanceCo-7d80ebf9
Extra Reference
Microsoft also has a few steps you can follow here that might help out if things still aren't working: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/hh411521.aspx