When assigning memory dynamically in C for strings, do you count the \0 end of string char?
char *copyInto, *copyFrom="test";
// Should
copyInto = (char*)malloc(strlen(copyFrom));
// suffice?
// or should this be the following?
copyInto = (char*)malloc(strlen(copyFrom)+1);
// assuming you want to copy the string from copyFrom into copyInto
// Does anyone recommend just \0-ing the whole copyInto as in
copyInto = (char*)calloc(strlen(copyFrom)+1);
// and if so, should it still be (strlen(copyFrom)+1) size?
or calloc()
(or realloc()
for that matter) in a C program.+1
to zero out the whole string if you're just going to copy into it immediately? Seems like a waste of cycles to me.