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Unable to install ggplot2 on Ubuntu 11.10

I am getting the following error when trying to install ggplot2:

> install.packages("ggplot2")
Installing package(s) into ‘/home/dodo/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.13’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
Warning message:
In getDependencies(pkgs, dependencies, available, lib) :
package ‘ggplot2’ is not available (for R version 2.13.1)

I am running Ubuntu 11.10 (oneiric).

Any help is appreciated.


  • You need R (>= 2.14.0) for this version.

    So please go and see the instructions at CRAN to upgrade on Ubuntu to the current R and once you have R 2.14.2 up and running (which is a matter of four or five commands, thanks to the magic of apt-get and friends, upgrade to the current ggplot2.